Friday, December 9, 2011

Birth Plan

This is the birth plan i came up with. I brought it in and had my midwife look over it and she said everything looked good. She even signed it! 

Birth Plan

Birthing Plan for: Jenine Simerson & Jordan Simerson

Who I’d like with me during labor: Jordan Simerson and Ginny Rutledge (family is okay as long as I okay it)

Who I’d like to stay for my baby’s birth: Jordan Simerson and Ginny Rutledge

I would like to have an all-natural birth with no interventions unless it is medically necessary. 
1.     I would like to bring of food and drink
2.     I would like to bring books, music and other things as diversions.
3.     For any discomfort I’d like to:
Water therapy, shower, or tub
Coaching with breathing and relaxation
Birthing Ball
4.     I don’t want an IV unless it is medically necessary
5.     I don’t want my labor put on a time limit.
6.     If my water needs breaking, I would like it to be:
When I am past five centimeters dilated
After my baby’s head is well engaged
7.     I’d like to be vaginally examined
When I am admitted
Before any pain meds
When I feel like pushing
When I ask for it

1.     While I am pushing I’d like heat and/or oil applied to my perineum.
2.     I don’t want an episiotomy before my baby is born. I would rather have a slow birth and take my chances.
3.     I don’t want Lidocaine injected into my perineum for suturing after my baby is born.
4.     I don’t want Lidocaine injected into my perineum if I tear or need an episiotomy.
5.     I’d like to try alternative positions for pushing:
Squatting Bar
Hands and Knees
Side Lying
And Others
6.     If my baby needs assistance being born I want a vacuum extraction rather than forceps
7.     I care if the cord stops pulsating before it’s cut.
8.     I do not want Pitocin to expel my placenta.
1.     I want my baby put directly on me after delivered.
2.     I want to breastfeed my baby. NO FORMULA
3.     I DO NOT want my baby offered a bottle.
4.     I want all of my baby’s procedures done in my room and my baby kept with me at all times.
5.     If I cannot go myself, I want my baby accompanied by my husband or birth partner during any procedures.

1.     I want my husband and/or birth professional with me during the operation.
2.     I want to discuss anesthetic options with my anesthesiologist.
3.     I want my baby returned to my room (rather than the nursery) with my husband while I am in recovery.
4.     I don’t want my baby taken to the nursery while I sleep (I will provide someone for care).